Sunday 10 January 2010

Eight chapters in, and still going!

At the beginning of last November I finally got fed up with trying to inch chapter 17 along to its oh so hard to find conclusion, and go back to the beginning and fix all the stuff I knew I'd done wrong first time around.
So I added the heading "Second Draft" and started back on chapter 1. 

Just over two months later I've just finished chapter 8, and some of it doesn't seem half bad. Going to work on half good next I think. 

And of those eight chapters I've just worked out that seven have been written from scratch in the last couple of months. So far that equates to spending a year working on a novel, and then in November starting it again from scratch. 

There is hope though. Earlier I read a couple of chapters from later on in the book, and I actually laughed out loud. A quiet laugh, but it's still a laugh. And though it's my own stuff and this might lead to the accusation of bias I think I've avoided that - normally I read my stuff and cringe, so things are looking up!

Not enough stats lately, so here's some:
  • Word count: 110,858
  • Word count of stuff I've cut: 53,107
  • Number of times I've written chapter one: 7
  • Version of chapter one is currently being used: 1
  • Time wasted blogging: 0!
  • Time wasted on Fallout 3: Um...

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