Friday 25 November 2005

Old blog - 25 Nov 2005

I met Robert Scoble! I also had a real vote for an RSS feed! I would like to say I've been inspired to create a proper blog and update it regularly but I don't rate my chances.

A quick word about Scoble though - He's one of those people who manages to make friends and talk to people wherever he goes. For example, we were walking along the Newport high street when there was a cheery "excuse me mate" from a couple of girls cycling on the pavement. The normal course of events in Newport is one of the following:

  • Total and painful collision followed by mouthfuls of abuse
  • The swerve and curse manoeuvre followed by mouthfuls of abuse
  • The old lady in a disability scooter death stare (you must know the one - "I'm old. I'm hurtling along in a motorised vehicle. You're young. The young are all foul mouth louts. It's payback.")

So well done the Scoble charisma! (Did you know that the Google toolbar wants to change Scoble to suckable when you check spelling? That's how much charisma the man has.)

I didn't get a picture though. When your phone is a two year old brick on the three network with the word phone scratched on it you try not to get it out in front of anyone.

Thanks for the 0-30s of your time (according to my web stats). For something really funny to read try this. Bye bye.