Wednesday 16 February 2011

Movie review: Predators

It was okay....
The premise this time is that a bunch of hard nuts are in some jungle somewhere. Something nasty and mean is lurking. Uh oh, what could be about to happen...

In case you didn't guess from the title, lots of the Predator aliens show up. Lots of things die in horrible ways. People say fuck a lot. A well known famous big star Hollywood actor is in it. He wheezes a bit, presumably unable to believe the size of his paycheck for so little work.

Though much like the Borg from Star Trek, the more we see of them, the wimpier the Predator aliens become. In Predator 6 I expect to see a group of rowdy teen Predators terrorising the residents of the Sunnydale Retirement Home. Cue lots of young punk Predators getting their asses handed to them by Granny Mabel and Grandpa George wielding a walking stick, with much comedy whacks on the back of the cool Predator dreadlocks with a big cushion.