Monday 7 December 2009

Day trip to London

Early tomorrow morning I'm off to London with a couple of friends. And by early I mean really, really early. Getting up at half past four because that way I can get a train ticket for less than the price of a small family car.

It's become something of annual tradition - every year we talk about training it up to London to go visit some shops and quaff ale and eat food like we did that one time, about five years ago. This year it's actually happening! Woo hoo.

So I thought I would post here a list of possible things we might be doing tomorrow. Then on Wednesday I'll post a list of things we actually did...

Could visit the Tate modern - there's going to be a big black box to walk around in. If the artist is anything like me (i.e. secretly laughs on Deal or No Deal when the idiot opens their box to win 5p) then there will be numerous shin high protrusions

Could go to Harrods, I've never been. Not to buy anything, I am a cheapskate after all. Just have a bit of warm up, maybe a cup of tea (if I can sneak it in)

Could swim in the Serpentine, never done that either

There's a 19th century operating theatre:
Bit like going to see Saw six suck I imagine

Perhaps we'll drink at the BBC's favourite pub and see terrific top telly types.

Or the London Film Museum

And not forgetting of course, the Marmite Shop!

We also need to fit in:
  • Eating food some place nice
  • Finishing all of my Christmas shopping
  • Intravenous coffee shots. Or red bull. Anything with caffeine really


  1. Or if you were wondering what happened to Roger Mellie The Man on the Telly, pop over to

  2. Or you could take pics of condoms... and dress your friends in Princess Diana masks???

    Great pic outside the Marmite shop by the way :-)

  3. They were disposable vibrators!

    Wonder what the Catholic Church's stance is on those...
