Thursday 11 November 2010

Gordon Ramsay, pet lover

So Gordon Ramsay has written an open letter to his mother in law imploring her not to cut off contact with his family after a slight spat with her husband (he fired him).
Details here:

This is an early draft dictated via the new version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking, with built in profanity filter.

Dear Mother-in-law


Puppies you.

Puppies, puppies, puppies, puppies, kittens, puppies you.

I apologise. Getting emotional here. I puppies mean it.

You are the greatest puppies mother in puppies law a puppies chef could ever puppies have.

For puppies sake, please, puppies, please, don't take the spat between myself and your shetland pony cute bunny husband out on your daughter and your four grandchildren.

Yours puppily,
Gordon Puppies Ramsay

PS: Your old man is a complete and utter total fluffy bunny piece of candy floss pie wrapped around a sack of useless rotting yellow ducklings

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